DadSchooled: A Journal of a Homeschool Dad
Talking to My Kids About A.I.
I’ve been anxiously following the rollout developments of the new AI programs, particularly the Chatbots. Nearly ten years ago, I stopped using Social Media on a daily basis because I became increasingly concerned about the health and quality of my person-to-person encounters. Whenever I would post something on Facebook, I would fret over it for…
The Tough Decision to Stay Home
I often felt frustrated early on as a stay at home dad with the stereotype associated with men in our culture. When I went looking for blogs and places of support online, I found almost nothing. When I Googled ‘stay at home dad,’ the top hits were often news reports or blogs that were heavily…
About Me and Why We Homeschool
My wife has been pressuring me for a while to do this, so here goes. My name is Clint, and I am writing this blog to help any dad out there who found himself in the unique and crucially important role of homeschool teacher.